Team Augmentation

Team Augmentation

AgilElan allows companies to pocket huge savings by delivering top-tier technical talent instead of opting for in-house development staff. Our chief aim is helping businesses from various industries create digital products rapidly, affordably, and without any hitches. We have hundreds of employees worldwide who are certified engineers, developers, and designers. They can collaborate with your current staff or serve as your development team on-demand. With our help, you can reduce the time it takes to get to market and accelerate growth.

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Flexible resourcing

The benefits of Team augmentation

Utilizing our team’s expertise in technology, you will achieve your business goals.
At AgilElan, we are willing to work with you in any way that best suits your needs. Our teams can handle projects from start to finish, but we’re also happy to scale down our involvement if that’s what you need. Our tech experts feel just as comfortable working within your company as they do in our own offices.

Our services

Team augmentation engagement models

Resource-based augmentation

With the resource-based augmentation model, a few extra developers and Quality Assurance Specialists (QAs) join your project team. Your regular Team Leaders manage them directly. If you need it, we also provide people management, resource coordination, and delivery support.

Resource-based augmentation is appropriate for clients who want to keep most of their IT management in-house but need a limited number of external specialists to supplement their capability with specific experience.

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Team-based augmentation

With team-based augmentation, you get a group that is autonomous and can manage itself. They will work on the backlog items that you have prioritized and approved. All you have to do is decide what order they should tackle these goals in. The members of the team are used to working together and helping each other out so that the final product meets your expectations.

The team-based augmentation model is beneficial for clients who need continual access to a knowledgeable team of experts (like with a DevOps engagement). With this strategy, you establish your own dedicated group that leads to greater knowledge retention and stronger, long-term professional relationships.

Project- based augmentation

Project-augmentation gives you a team that is in charge of an already decided scope of work, which frequently is either one project or a continuous flow of smaller projects. This type of engagement can be adjusted to fit your needs by expanding or shortening the team as necessary during different points throughout the project’s timeline.

Client companies who have plans to take on big projects, or where experienced teams are needed in order to secure successful results, will find that project-based augmentation is most applicable for them. In addition to delivering the outcomes you desire, our team also works closely with you and your other suppliers throughout the process so that we can successfully hand over all of the project’s know-how once it is completed. We offer a full range of support services following go-live.

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Our offerings

Typical augmented team setup

If you work with AgileLan, one of the best e-commerce website development companies, you won’t just have an online store. You’ll have a store that customers will want to visit time and time again for long shopping sprees.

Depending on your requirements, a typical self-contained team comprises:

  • 2-5 Developers,
  • 1-2 QAs,
  • A part-time Project Manager,
  • Optionally, a part-time UI/UX Designer, Business Analyst (BA), and Technical Architect (TA).

As a client, you’ll provide the following:

  • Overall program management and direction,
  • A Product Owner (a Subject Matter Expert who is part of the project team and is empowered to make project decisions),
  • Input from a UI/UX Designer, BA, and TA (if you have in-house specialists in these fields).

High-Quality Developers on Demand

Our developers stay ahead of the curve with AgilElan University and AgilElan Labs. With a large team that offers expertise in both established and new development platforms, we’re able to offer our clients cutting-edge solutions in a variety of areas, including

Top Talent

By collaborating with AgilElan, you amass the advantages of a high-functioning development and technical team while simultaneously expediting delivery at a much more reasonable cost. Our distinguished professional development programs and company culture have helped us maintain one of the industry’s highest employee retention rates, so you can depend on continual, dependable development resources.

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Cybersecurity Experts

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Cloud Engineers

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Mobile Developers

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Software Developers

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Frontend and Backend Developers

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UI/ UX Designers

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Project Managers

QA Engineers

How we approach resource augmentation

How we approach resource augmentation

Every resourcing model we offer has a ramp-up period to help you ease into things. By gradually adding resources to your team over time, it allows for less disruption of important business processes and more success overall. Furthermore, as new members join the team, experienced members can help teach them everything they need to know about the project goals and their role within said project.

In the beginning stages of our engagement, we try to spend as much time with your organization as possible so that we can get to know everyone and build relationships. This way of working together– being face-to-face– ensures close cooperation, ample opportunity for knowledge sharing, and overall contributes to a stronger team.

The agile methodology is how we approach software development; iterations are short and sweet with constant collaboration between teams along with feedback loops from stakeholders so that nothing falls through the cracks. Although we are flexible, we always put the needs of our software development clients first. We know that every project is different, so we adapt to your preferred ways of working. Additionally, if you think agile methodologies would help streamline your process, let us introduce you to them.

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Successfully Developed Projects

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Ideas Submitted

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Verified 5 Star Client Reviews

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Professionals in Our Team

Do you have a Mission? Vision? Mission? Vision? We have a TEAM to get you there.

Our Process

How we Work

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01 Discover

Requirement gathering
Timeline planning

02 UI/UX Design

Wireframe Designing
Brand styling & preset creation

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03 Prototypes

Low-fidelity prototyping
High-Fidelity prototyping
Applying design thinking

04 Development

Technology selection
Integrations agile development in action

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05 Quality Assurance

User test creation
Manual testing
Automation testing

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06 Deployment

Application handover
Marketplace launches
App store submissions

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07 Support & Maintenance

24/7 support
Managed services

What Our Clients Say

This is What We Live For

Our web and mobile app development expertise have helped several organizations turn critical challenges into a competitive advantage. But don’t take our word for it! Hear straight from our clients what they think and feel about our services.

Masood R. Khan Attorney; Lecturer at California State University, L.A.

We have absolutely loved working with AgilElan! They are always so prompt with their work, and it is always of excellent quality!

Mohamed El Abbouri Building the first Saudi-born e-Signature solution

AgilElan was able to design and construct our company's app despite its many unique and complicated features. They managed to deliver a solution that matched every request we had.

Abdullah Soomro Owner, CluedUpp Games

AgilElan did an awesome job translating my app to iOS, and users really liked it. The App Store reviews were positive. Their service is good quality, affordable, and the mix of local and offshore work is smart. I highly recommend them!

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We would love to hear from you

We’re eager to help you reach your business goals. Let’s get started!


How we Build Your Product

Technologies we Use